Models • Boom Crash Opera

Lively in Wollongong

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12 Apr
Anita's Theatre

Event Description

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Models and Boom Crash Opera

Approx Running Times: Doors Open: 6:00pm Start: 7:15pm Act 1: 7:15pm to 8:15pm Main Act: 8:45pm to 9:45pm + encore Finish Time: 10:00pm Due to popular demand MODELS and Boom Crash Opera team up for the Double A Side Tour Catch both bands together for the first time in years About Boom Crash Opera: These here are crazy times. But Boom Crash Opera are one band you can rely upon. The producer of their debut album told them: The most important thing a group can do is stay together. Keep it together and you can do anything you want. Boom Crash Opera took those words to heart, proudly becoming one of Australias most loved bands, with 13 Top 50 singles and five Top 50 albums. About MODELS: When they formed, Models were hailed as one of the most innovative and imaginative Australian bands. Four decades later, nothing has changed. Well, thats not quite right a lot of things have changed, but not the bands approach to making music. Models have always done things their own way.

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