Abby Dobson • David Lane
Lively in Sydney
Event Description
Abby Dobson with David Lane
$50 + booking fee pre, $55 door 7pm doors, 8pm show We can only reserve tables for GROUPS OF 8 OR MORE (you can go as large as you like! We never run out of tables for large groups who get our email confirmation once you email a request. TO RESERVE A TABLE OF 8 OR MORE. . .Firstly buy all your tickets, then email: u Please list *show name *show date and only the *name the tickets are booked under . LESS THAN 8 people??? All other seating is on a 'first in best dressed' basis! So come early and choose a seat, a stool or table which suits. If the show is sold-out, you may end up sharing with others or choose to stand. Please book carefully – as no refunds, credits or exchanges on tickets are possible. All ages are welcome (but under 18′s must be accompanied by an adult) and a ticket must be purchased to support the artists playing. Delicious food (including pizza!) is available. Fully licensed – NO BYO Because they are such old and cherished friends, very occasionally Abby ( Leonardo’s Bride/ Baby et Lulu ) has been able to lure David out of musical retirement with promises she cannot keep. Abby Dobson and David Lane will perform as a duo, accompanying each other, on guitar and grand piano, for their respected and respective original songs, aswell as a few guilty-pleasure covers that they have sometimes half-played around David’s piano after long lunches and sing-along dinners. It is also their idea of true nirvana to sing harmonies together and this is the comfort food they… and possibly you? really need! They did a sell-out magical show together a year or so ago for the Sydney Fringe Festival that brought the house down, so they are very happy to do another show on THURSDAY, 6 th FEBRUARY at the wonderful Camelot Lounge. Do not miss this rare opportunity to behold of a true unicorn!