James Valentine

Lively in Sydney

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14 Feb
Camelot Lounge

Event Description

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James Valentine presents Valentine’s Day with your Valentine and a Valentine

$49 + booking fee pre, $55 door 7pm doors, 8pm show We can only reserve tables for GROUPS OF 8 OR MORE (you can go as large as you like! We never run out of tables for large groups who get our email confirmation once you email a request. TO RESERVE A TABLE OF 8 OR MORE. . .Firstly buy all your tickets, then email: camelot3@tpg.com.a u Please list *show name *show date and only the *name the tickets are booked under . LESS THAN 8 people??? All other seating is on a 'first in best dressed' basis! So come early and choose a seat, a stool or table which suits. If the show is sold-out, you may end up sharing with others or choose to stand. Please book carefully – as no refunds, credits or exchanges on tickets are possible. All ages are welcome (but under 18′s must be accompanied by an adult) and a ticket must be purchased to support the artists playing. Delicious food (including pizza!) is available. Fully licensed – NO BYO Valentine’s Day with your Valentine and a Valentine. Where else can you have a fabulous Valentine’s Day night with an actual Valentine. Perhaps descended from St Valentine himself, James Valentine wants a night of love with you. Not in the creepy way you just thought, but let’s celebrate love, you and your main squeeze, and the joy of being together. Great band with James on sax, Clayton Doley on organ, Nic Cecire on drums and Sam Rollings on guitar, great comedy from James - it’ll be a wonderful evening. Only at Camelot, this February 14!

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