The Broken Hearts Club

Lively in Sydney

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14 Feb
The Chippendale Hotel

Event Description

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Event image for The Broken Hearts Club

The Broken Hearts Club Band

It’s St Valentine’s Day and the Broken Hearts Club is meeting once more - time to don your best lace and pearls, and come soak up a night of heartbreak hits. Abigail Wighton, Charley Castle, Gracie Jean and Isobel Knight are  songwriters who know how to spin their takes on love (at its best and worst) to move you or at least get a good story from a bad time. They will then combine their powers (and a few superstar ring-ins) to form the Broken Hearts Club Band; deliverers of catharsis through the songs you sing-cry in your room to. Come join the club and sing them with us. Wear lace, leather, blood red or blush pink, lacy black or whatever puts you in the mood for love. Wear your heart shaped glasses and (broken) heart on your sleeve

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