Jessie Gordon • Mark Turner

Lively in Melbourne

12 Sep
Wesley Anne

Event Description

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Jessie Gordon & Mark Turner Feat Karl Florrison

Accomplished multi-instrumentalist/singer/songwriter Mark Turner and jazz/blues singer Jessie Gordon have known each other for many years, since he was a mere slip of a 13 year old and she was a willowy redhead avoiding the sun at all opportunities. 22+ years of friendship have ensued, with music as the cornerstone of their lives.

Together they have toured around Australia and through Europe, won multiple awards and recorded on seven albums, including their collaborative releases ‘Best Friends’, 'Live at Kidogo' and latest album ‘All The Rage’.

Joining them on stage at the Wesley Anne is Karl Florisson, one of Australia’s best double bass players, and an integral part of Jessie’s jazz quartet for more than 7 years. As a trio, the group blends jazz, blues, gospel and country music.

The trio are a joy to watch on stage, their shared history and their love for each other and the music they play is palpable. This night at Wesley Anne will feature some gorgeous jazz duets, new original music as well as beautiful ballads and close three part harmony singing.

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