The Beasts
Lively in Sydney
Event Description
The Beasts + Special Guests
The album begins with Shoot Me, this is one of mine and is essentially existential space rock. Then a series of songs about the state of the world. The common thread being “nothing is as it seems”.
The Change is an end times blues lament.
A Special Place is a collision of ideas. The passing of friends. A depiction of Hell as an exclusive night club and who gets in.
Everythings A Lie. It’s not only history that is written by the winners. All information is either filtered, edited, recontextualised or completely repressed. That’s just the way it goes. They say it’s for our own good. And now with online scams, bots, identity theft and deep fake videos who the fuck knows what and who is real anymore? Anyway, that’s enough apocalyptic paranoia for now.
Some Other Fuckin Blues. Is just that, another kind of blues.
Succubus is a swamp flavoured rant against entities of malicious intent. Tex singing in falsetto and Kim speaking in tongues.
Hangin With the Hound, is a heartfelt dedication to James Baker’s dog. Fix It is a riff led rocker with Kim taking the lead vocal.
The Ballad of The Battle of Rock N Roll is a depiction of the struggle a dedicated rock ‘n’ roll fan had to go through back when it wasn’t socially acceptable to wear wild hair dos, platform shoes and makeup.
The name of the album is Ultimo.