MotorV8ed • More

Lively in Perth

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28 Feb
Lynott's Lounge

Event Description

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Mind Over M.a.t.a.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a GIG GUIDE listing ONLY. Tix available at the door.

In these difficult times, its our ability to use our minds to self-regulate in the moment when situations or events seem out of our control.

Why not expand your mind with four brain-bending bands from the local Perth band scene?

Mind Over M.A.T.A. will bring you the inner peace you desire, while pummelling your body with roof shaking music!

And why not settle your nerves with a quality beverage from the fine staff at Lynott's Lounge, while you're at it.

MOTORV8ED - high energy rock and roll, with some jazz, grunge and even pop thrown in for good measure.
AMMIFY are an award-winning cinemetal outfit that melds heavy times with cinematic elements in their vocals and instrumentation.
TERROR ADAPTORS are what you get when four people watch too many horror/sci-fi movies and decide to form what can only be described as a nerdcore metal band.
Needing no introduction, AMBERDOWN are THE independent aggressive alternative rock band known throughout Perth - they are riding high on their 3rd album release "Shattered and Bagged!"

$15 tix available at the door

View Ammify's profile

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