Icehouse • More
Lively in Newcastle
Event Description
Red Hot Summer Tour: ICEHOUSE
Speers Point Park reserve is a grassed open – air venue located alongside the incredible Lake Macquarie. This magnificent site is outdoors, and general admission patrons are encouraged to bring a camp chair to the event. Note that picnic rugs are not permitted No BYO alcohol, non-alcoholic beverages apart from sealed bottled water, no glass, no sharp items, tents, umbrellas or shade structures, No M, C Club attire, pets or furniture. All Rockbar Patrons must hold a valid Rockbar Ticket Regardless Of age. This event is general admission. Patrons are encouraged to bring a folding camp chair. GATES OPEN 12.30pm BACHELOR GIRL 1.00 – 1.30 KILLING HEIDI 1.50 – 2.25 BABY ANIMALS 2.50 – 3.30 ESKIMO JOE 3.55 – 4.40 WOLFMOTHER 5.05 – 5.50 NOISEWORKS 6.15 – 7.05 ICEHOUSE 7.35 *Times are approximate and subject to change.