Full Of Hell • Thou

Lively in Brisbane

14 Aug
The Zoo

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Full Of Hell (Us) + Thou (Us)

Ocean City Maryland Death grind outfit Full of Hell will make their long awaited return to Australia and New Zealand this August along with Baton rouge sludge /doom greats Thou.  

Full of Hell have just announced an upcoming album, Coagulated Bliss due out on April 26th through Closed Casket Activities. This will be album number 6 for the band following up from 2021’s Garden of Burning Apparitions since then they have released several EP’s and splits collaborating with artists including Primitive Man,Gasp and Nothing.

This will be Thou’s first trip to the region showcasing their iconic sound often labelled as experimental doom, sludge metal and stoner metal.They have an extensive and varied discography including five full-lengths Tyrant, Peasant, Summit, Heathen and Magus —.They have released several EPs, including a collection of Black Sabbath covers Through the Empires of Eternal Void and splits/collaborations with bands such as Kowloon Walled City, Leech, Emma Ruth Rundle,The Body and Hell.

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